Crest Cafe, Hillcrest California

I had the pleasure of photographing Crest Cafe‘s latest ad campaign “Everybody’s Cafe”.  The campaign purpose was to highlight that everyone is cherished and welcomed with open arms at Crest Cafe to enjoy a meal and bring their friends. I was in charge of scouting models, scheduling, and coordinating shoot times with the cafe staff. It was important that the models be familiar faces in the community, diverse, and represent the various subcultures of the community.  I had an overwhelmingly positive response to my modeling inquiries, and was able to successfully schedule 13 models to shoot 10-15 minutes with back to back shoot times. I setup an online session scheduler on my website to make it easy for all the models to pick their shoot times.  Once they arrived, it was magic being inspired by them and using different angles and areas of the Cafe to achieve unique looks for the various ads that would be created from the images.  The print/online ads were designed by Belladia Marketing and Design and were absolutely perfect.  They customized each ad headline to be perfectly complementary to the image.  They did such an amazing job. Crest Cafe was delighted with how the photos and advertisements turned out! It was a great collaboration and a pleasure to be a part of such awesome advertising that makes everyone feel welcome. 🙂


San Diego Event and Business Photography

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